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A member registered Jun 21, 2019

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I've only done one playthrough so far, but the game is amazing.  Normally i'm not big on visual novel games. Usually they have this weird gimmick where its like ""ok, do everything and then you get the "true" ending"" usually just making the game a skipfest that bogs down quick. This game is different. Its entertaining in all the right ways, with interesting characters that you want to learn more about. Plus the game is subtly different each time you play it, actually encouraging repeat playthroughs from the BEGINNING. Its awesome. I will admit that I was extremely fond of the first games style, but the visual novel style fit this games much bigger and expansive scope that I could just not see it working in the first games style. Also playing this game immediately after a play of the first game was quite the treat :)

Overall amazing experience. I cant wait to do more playthroughs of this game from the beginning and see all sorts of new stuff, but I gotta let this first time through the game sit with me a bit. Thank you for such an amazing game.

This game is beautiful both writing and graphics wise. It makes for a very unique experience. It actually made me sit back and take a look at my own life and problems. 

It also made me want to get back into playing DnD with my friends X3.